Tuesday, June 26, 2012

LinkedIn Marketing

With social media ever expanding and spreading its tentacles everywhere, it has become highly important for marketers to not only be present at these platforms but actively participate in them. LinkedIn is a great business network, where you can find valuable connections and business opportunities if you know how to market yourself. 

Linking In With the Business World: 
More and more professionals are joining LinkedIn for it is a great internet marketing tool and no one wants to miss out on all the business prospects that it has to offer. LinkedIn has over 100 million users all belonging to the business circle, thus, it offers to be explored and used to your business’ benefit. 

Research shows that 80% of all organizations have started using LinkedIn to recruit employees, establish affiliate marketing, and find business partners. The importance of LinkedIn for successful internet marketing cannot be ignored. 

Significance of Linking In: 
Enhancing Your SEO: 
  • LinkedIn gives you the option to add your websites’ links on the information page, where if you used relevant keywords for your business you could enhance your visibility. LinkedIn gets a priority in Google search and its results are always on the first page in the top five results. 
  • Not only that, but you can add relevant keywords in the descriptors to increase your visibility. 
  • Through LinkedIn you can generate higher volumes of quality traffic for your business website. 

Promoting Your Offerings Via Increasing Your Blog Exposure: 
  • LinkedIn offers various third party applications through which you can integrate multimedia content in your profile. By using a blogging application you can import your blog feed to LinkedIn, therefore increasing its visibility. 
  • By promoting your blog on LinkedIn you can increase your brand awareness in its target audience, by sharing your thoughts and ideas about it. 

Targeted Ad Campaigns: 
  • You can design and launch Direct Ad Campaigns on LinkedIn targeting your market niche. Since there are more professional users on LinkedIn this will give a boost to your sales revenues. 
  • LinkedIn allows you to indulge in highly focused marketing with great reach through breaking down your target audience by demographics like industry, job functions, company size, and so on. 
  • The minimum amount needed to start a Pay per Click advertising campaign on LinkedIn is US $50. For that reason, it is a relatively low-cost advertising tool. 

Event Management: 
  • LinkedIn has a great internet marketing feature which helps you engage your clients in interesting manners by inviting them to events. Now you can promote your brand launch, concerts, charities, festivals, and the like to the target audience. 
  • Also you can remain updated on the latest happening in your network by looking at the upcoming events, and thus find opportunities to promote your business in the relevant ones. 

Growing Your Customer Base: 
  • By starting a group about the services you offer or your products, you not only increase your organization’s visibility but you allow your customers to provide feedback to you. 
  • As more and more people join your group and its popularity grows, it will pique your target audience’s interest and thus, generate traffic towards your corporate website. 
  • A group will increase your access to your target market, meanwhile also providing you e-mails of the members so that you can advertise your offerings to them via e-mail marketing too. 

Usage in Carrying Out Business Functions: 
  • LinkedIn provides genuine information which can be validated through its reference checking tool, which could be very useful for business deals and recruitment. 
  • Now you can conduct a targeted market research by holding polls and surveys on LinkedIn. 
  • You can better interact and facilitate your customers by answering their queries and generally helping fix their problems related to your offerings through the LinkedIn Answer feature. 
  • LinkedIn facilitates finding potential business clients, partners and service providers. 
  • Your presence on LinkedIn increases your reliability by substantiating your existence in the professional world among so many professionals. 

Winning Customers’ and Clients’ Trust: 
  • With the unique feature of Recommendations, you can gain credibility in the eyes of your business clients and your target customers. 
  • When people testify to your authenticity and trustworthiness, it expands your business by building up your brand image.

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