Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Blog SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the foundation of all internet marketing campaigns. Regardless of whether you own a company or just want to earn money as a blogger or an advertiser you need an online traffic inflow in order to be able to generate income. 

A successful blog calls for quality content and organic traffic so as to move in the direction of achieving its objectives. A well-planned SEO campaign will not only make your blog more popular but will also compel people to link to it willingly. 

For a blog to be effective it should have: 
  • Relevant information that is related to a particular set of keyword phrases. 
  • Easily navigable layout and design, along with a good linking structure. 
  • It should get the idea across to its readers in an easy and informative tone. 

Once you have incorporated the above in your blog you can move on to its Search Engine Optimization, and making it an internet marketing success. 

Blogs with Effective SEO: 
  • Link Worthy Blogs: 
If your blog is well written it will be appreciated by its target audience, and they will share it on other information resources. Also, companies endorse blogs which are related to their industry and product category. In this manner blogs get back links from websites, which automatically raises their search engine rankings. 
  • Content Rich Blogs: 
Blogs which integrate multimedia content always end up higher in the search engine results, for instance if a blog had a link to a YouTube video, Google will automatically push it towards the top results. Moreover, if you had quality content you won’t have to expand a lot of marketing efforts to gain the attention of your target audience. 
  • 360 Degrees Blogging: 
A successful blog will incorporate a whole slew of elements in itself, including: banner ads for strong brands, usable designs, valuable links, lead generation capability, and follow up components to attain internet marketing success. A blog can only generate an attractive Return on Investment if it utilizes all the right internet marketing strategies. 

Steps to be Taken for Making Your Blog a Success: 
  • The importance of keywords cannot be ignored. Your blog should be based on a comprehensive keyword research in order to be successful. You should look for long tail keywords because they help in increasing your search rankings, and in generation of highly targeted online traffic. 
  • Conduct a competitive analysis; see what blogs which are similar to yours have done to achieve success. Follow their monetization and internet marketing strategies. 
  • Make sure that your blog’s content structure is crawl-able by a search engine easily. In other words your blog should be highly search engine friendly. Divide your blogs content into various categories, use core pages to represent those categories. 
  • Your blog should have index-able content, simply put try not to use Flash, and multimedia should be used with ALT descriptions with a little brief about them. Text is the most easily indexed content, therefore, use more of it. 
  • Your blog is a representative of your company; therefore, it should have a professional look. Preferably your blog should be themed along the lines of your corporate website, in addition to the usage of proper HTML tags to increase its rankings. 
  • It would be best for your blog to become an internet marketing success if it has the domain name of your brand. For the reason that thence it will directly convey the message to its target audience. 

SEO Tips for Blogging Effectiveness: 
Utilizing the right keyword phrases, picking the right domain name can greatly benefit your blog in terms of generating quality and targeted traffic for it. Follow these few tips to further accentuate your blog in the online world. 
  • Blog Technologies: 
These help you design blogs in a way that will make it easier for them to be picked up and pushed forward to the top by the search engines. Blog technologies help you design complete SEO strategies for your blog 
  • Blog Page: 
You need to take into account your blog’s page attributes and properties for making its on-page and off-page optimization profitable. 
  • Blog Architecture and Design: 
Your blog posts length, the layout, structuring of the content all need to be optimal so that you can make the most out of your blogs through better internal linking and management. 

Your blog will only become a success if it follows the guidelines of SEO. Therefore, use SEO for your blogs as well so as to increase their visibility, lead generation, conversion rates and profitability. 


  1. Yes, I do know that. Therefore, I will be writing separate posts about Social Media Marketing.

  2. Nice post !
    I strongly believe that the content in the blog itself is the main thing to be considered, if there is something really unique and worth sharing in a blog, it'll do way better in long term plans.
    Professional seo services in India

  3. Of course, that goes without saying. However, SEO can further push it to the top.

  4. Wow, Fantastic Blog, it’s so helpful to me, and your blog is very good,

  5. Its good to know about many SEO strategies which is very helpful for everyone. The diagram about on page optimization is very easy to understand. Thanks! Loved it :)
    affiliate marketing


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