Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an internet marketing technique, aimed at improving the rankings of your website in search engine results. Through SEO, the visibility of your website is enhanced and you get increased traffics for your brands, eventually leading to sales generation.

SEO is the process that analyzes how search engines work, what keywords are used in searching, what are the most searched for things are, which search engines are most preferred by users to provide you with better background demographics of your internet customers. 

Importance of SEO for Your Online Business:

Internet marketing is a rapidly growing arena which has provided businesses today with a new channel for sales generation. With the growth in information technology, consumer behavior has changed drastically. Nowadays, internet based information search and purchase has become an integral part of customers’ buying decision model. 

Moreover, SEO is a cost-effective way of customer acquisitions as paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is extremely expensive in comparison. SEO helps drive free traffic to your website, while also complementing your other internet marketing efforts. 

Researches show that SEO gets more qualified traffic for your website; meanwhile, also increasing the sales lead conversion rates. Thus, SEO is extremely important for businesses all across the world to reach their target audiences effectively. 

Benefits of SEO:

  • Increased Website Traffic: 
In online businesses, the greater your website traffic is the greater are the profits that you are able to make. With the help of proper SEO techniques, you can land your website among the top search engine results and thus, increase the number of potential online customers. 
  • Competitive Edge: 
Being the top search engine result has its own benefits. Visitors automatically deem you the most authentic, trusted and relevant vendor, organization or concern. It leaves your competitors behind by gaining more recommendations and credibility. 
  • Global Presence: 
For online business, it increases their reach if they have SEO employed for their website. More people could find your website and thus buy your products and services, anytime anywhere. 
  • Enhanced Online Visibility: 
By pushing your website and increasing its ranking SEO helps make your website more prominent and visible to customers. Once your visibility increases your customers will spread positive word of mouth, which will gain more customers for you. 

Useful SEO Methods:
To increase the exposure of your website you should make use of the following SEO techniques, as they will help increase your visibility through increasing your SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking. 
  • Cross linking. 
  • Keyword analysis. 
  • Content management. 
  • URL normalization. 
  • Title and Meta tags. 
  • Alt attributes on images. 
  • Title attributes on links. 
  • XML sitemap. 
  • Link building (external linking). 
  • Relevant and dynamic content. 
  • Easy navigation (website development). 
  • Social media participation. 
  • Article and directories submission. 
  • Blog commenting. 
  • SEO friendly website design. 
  • Internal linking. 

In addition, you should try to avoid Splash, Flash and AJAX formats because they are not SEO friendly, and they will adversely affect your search engine rankings. 

SEO Techniques to Avoid: 
Black hat SEO techniques should be avoided strictly. Although they might improve your websites ranking and generate higher traffics for it, but if you get caught with them the search engine can penalize you by removing you off their listings, and consequentially your online business could suffer.

Following are some of the black hat SEO techniques which online businesses should steer clear of:
  • Automatically created doorway pages. 
  • Artificial redirects 
  • Cloaking. 
  • Spamdexing. 
  • Article spinning. 
  • Keyword overloading. 
  • Hidden links or hidden text. 
  • Web pages full of irrelevant keywords. 
  • Replicating content on several web pages. 
  • Deliberate misspelling of certain popular keywords and website names. 
  • Centralized or unconnected link farms. 

When wisely employed these SEO techniques can help your business in successful internet marketing, via sales lead generation and additional potential customers by increase your website traffic through an enhanced visibility.


  1. Well done! great work! excellent post

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines and more frequently a site appears in the search results.

    Search Engine Optimization


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