
hey, and welcome to The Marketing Owl.

I am a freelance blogger. The Marketing Owl is a forum for me to share what little knowledge I have gained as a result of me having worked for an internet marketing company in the past and my current employment in the advertising industry, combined with my learning as a business student, with contemporary marketers.

All articles published on The Marketing Owl are my own writings put together after extensive research on the subject area being discussed in a particular blog post. I am not affiliated or linked with any company or brand mentioned on this blog, nor am I paid to publish any of the featured content.

The tips given and the strategies recommended with regards to different marketing tools and techniques are the ones that I feel are the most effective along with those which I believe deserve the highlights. On the flip side, it is not guaranteed that they will work for any marketing concern if applied because such is the nature of marketing that it's success is highly dependent on the target market. Also, keep in mind that not everything I propose might work out for your business.


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