Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Squidoo Marketing

Squidoo adds great value to your internet marketing arsenal by allowing businesses to increase their online presence’s visibility. Generating high volumes of online traffic for your corporate website has become easier with the advent of Squidoo as part of Web 2.0 technology. 

Effective affiliate marketing can also be done with the help of a Squidoo lens (web page), which allows users to incorporate links to multimedia content and business affiliate websites, thus increasing your online visibility and potential customers. 

Through a Squidoo lens people express their feelings, hobbies, interest, passions (it acts like a blog), and also talk about their products and services (it serves us a web page). Moreover, building a supporting online presence for your business is easy and free on Squidoo. 

Why do Squidoo: 
  • Squidoo has a clout over Google; consequently, the lenses are always in the top search results for the relevant keyword. This will increase the traffic to your company website without you having to make any added efforts. All you have to do is to add your business’ keywords on your lens. 
  • You can add relevant links to relevant pages, meaning, you can build a Squidoo page and then add links to your business website on it, thereby increasing your visibility, creating back links, and generating higher traffic. 
  • Squidoo lenses are free, thus you have a no cost advertising platform. That is the reason internet marketing is increasingly being done through Squidoo. 
  • It is one of the websites that allows affiliate marketing which helps you to establish your online business swiftly and build your customer base. 
Benefits of Squidoo-ing: 
  • Search Engine Optimization: 
SEO has become effortless with the arrival of Squidoo, now you can test the relevancy and effectiveness of your target keywords before employing them, which will help you in increasing your visibility on the web and attract more customers. 

Additionally, the more lenses you make on Squidoo, the higher your Google ranking goes. 
  • Marketing Research Tool: 
You can gain useful insights into your market niche by using the feature of polls on Squidoo and conducting marketing surveys through it. 
  • Means of Customer Facilitation: 
Squidoo generates meaningful recommendations, suggestions and feedback from your customers and clients. Therefore, it helps you improve your business. 
  • Earn Money With Your Lenses: 
It is a great way of making money online with you just having to invest time in setting up a lens, as people post their ads in relevant lens; every time a visitor clicks on an ad in your lens you get a cut from the profit that they generate. 

Also, you can do affiliate marketing for Squidoo by promoting them, and as a result earning money for it. 
  • Establishing Yourself as an Expert: 
By helping your customers with their difficulties with your products especially if you are a service provider, you can demonstrate expertise in your specialized field, and gain the trust of your customers. 

Effectively Marketing Yourself on Squidoo: 
  • Conduct a keyword research for keywords relevant to your business and then develop a lens based on content integrated with those keywords; make sure that keyword is the title of your lens to increase your online visibility and ranking. 
  • Add links to your Squidoo to promote your website and other content; you can use social bookmarks also to generate traffic volumes for your website. 
  • Ensure that the content on your lens is relevant to your business and is well-written. 
  • Increase the popularity of your lens by networking with other lens masters. 

Creating a Squidoo lens is a beneficial internet marketing technique for promoting your organization or telling your target market about your products and services, while keeping them updated. Squidoo can do wonders for your online business by increasing your brand awareness.

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