Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Twitter Marketing

Twitter is a micro-blogging website which has rapidly grown in popularity because of its ease of use and data streaming option, along with great interactivity. With currently 190 million users registered on Twitter, it is another social network used by marketers for promoting their products and services. 

Twitter is one of the most important and useful internet marketing resources. Twitter is a real time platform for staying in touch with your customers and keeping them up-to-date with your latest developments. 

What Your Business Can Get Out of Twitter: 
Twitter can help you in several ways and in managing your different business functions from competitive analysis to market research. Of the things that Twitter helps your business with the most important ones are as follows: 
  • Twitter helps you in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by keeping you in touch with customers via Tweets. 
  • The tweets act as micro-news stories, which help in information dissemination. 
  • Twitter is a great tool for gauging customers’ demands and likes by carrying out small surveys via its polls. 
  • You can manage your Public Relations through Twitter by posting your latest actions and strategies in case of a crisis. 
  • Keeping an eye on your competitors has become real easy with Twitter, as you just have to follow them to know about their next move. 
  • Twitter is an internet marketing tool with which you can broadcast multi-media embedded posts. 
  • You can gather and provide feedback to your customers. 
Tweet Big: 
Twitter lets you connect with thousands of people, who can follow your threads and provide their comments and suggestions. For that reason it is evident that Twitter will keep on growing bringing in more customers to be targeted. Twitter helps you in the following ways: 
  • Twitter leads to an increase in your corporate website traffic by allowing you to embed your website link in your posts. 
  • With Twitter you can generate a steady flow of intelligent and interesting ideas and content to derive useful resources and insights for your business. 
  • Through instantaneous communication has become possible with Twitter, so now you can keep your customers on their toes and engaged by tweeting appealing stories. 
  • You can share dynamic information with tweeting on the go. 

Customer-centered Business: 
With the advances in technology overtime businesses have come to engage in Customer Relationship Management via social media platforms as well. Twitter being one of the most popular social networking website allows for continuous instantaneous interactivity between organizations and their customers. 

Twitter allows organizations to network with their customers in spur of the moment fashion. In today’s dynamic business world this could immensely help organizations to gain on in the ever-changing needs of your customers, and internet marketing benefits. 

With Twitter business have access to a load of useful data and feedback from customers, which if managed wisely in an organized manner and interpreted correctly to be employed for business developments can help you reap lucrative profits. 

Successfully Twittering for Your Business: 
Since Twitter is just like blogging with only the exception of the content being limited to 140 characters, means that now you will be posting only relevant content and that which you are sure will attract and engage your customers. Following are successful Twitter marketing tips: 
  • Twitter allows you to target a specific group of people based on demographics, so now you can more effectively reach your target audiences. 
  • By tweeting honest product and service reviews you could attract those customers who make buying decisions based on testimonials. 
  • You can carry out internet marketing audits at Twitter by conducting polls to gauge your brands’ performance in the market, and how well it has been received by the targeted customers. 
  • You can perform crisis management through Twitter by responding to the situation at hand while simultaneously updating your stakeholders in real time. 
  • Embed your corporate website and promotional material in your tweets to generate increased traffic, leading to more sales. 
  • Announce you latest developments through tweets to reach a maximum potential number of customers. 
Tweet away creatively, using Twitter as an innovative internet marketing tool to rake in greater profits. With Twitter you can build a buzz for your business, making your sales pike up via increased brand awareness.

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