Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Joint Venture Marketing

When you collaborate with some business entity for a specified period of time to pool resources and better cater to the needs of the target market of both, it is known as a joint venture. Now you can take your internet marketing campaigns a step further by forming a joint venture with a business entity, more preferably with your affiliate marketing partners. 

The joint venture marketing allows you to gain access to other businesses’ target markets. The basic form of joint venture marketing comes in advertisement swaps, whereby you send your venture partner’s advertisements to your customers, and they do the same for you. 

Joint venture marketing is gaining popularity because of the fact that is a driving force behind the success factors of today’s new marketing paradigms. 

The Power of Joining Hands in Business: 
There is a lot to be gained from joint venture marketing, team up with venture partners both offline and online. For instance, say if yours is a traditional brick and mortar business, and you want to have a widespread reach but you lack the resources and expertise to carry out such an expansion. That is where a venture partner who markets products online can help grow you business. 

Alternatively, you can add to your business by forming a joint venture with another online business to include its target market in your target audience. So you can create a balance of both conventional marketing and internet marketing for your business through joint venture marketing. 

Join Forces For Better Marketing Campaigns: 
Internet marketing can only be successful if you manage to build relationships and successfully reach a large number of people. It is tough to get good search engine rankings, therefore, increase your visibility and reach a higher number of potential customers. 

Curb the costs of offline marketing, and reach out to billions of daily online visitors and turn them into your potential customers with the help of joint venture marketing. Through forming a joint venture with online marketers you can have higher profitability ratios and increased business growth percentages. All because of greatly enhanced visibility that adds to your customer base without needing a staggering amount of marketing budget. 

Joint venture marketing works more or less affiliate marketing, since you come together as business partners for the profitability of both the concerns. 

Following are some ways in which you can increase your revenues through joint venture marketing: 
  • Exchanging links and sales leads with your joint venture marketing partners can give you access to an added number of potential customers. 
  • Sending infomercials in collaboration with your joint venture marketing partners, which have an advert for your product offerings, can bring in more sales. 
  • Writing business articles and product review in your joint venture marketing partners’ e-zine, blog or website, will gain you additional viewership and readership. 
  • You can offer discount coupons to customers coming through your joint venture partner’s link. That way not only will you gain extra sales but also attract a lot of customers who want to gain on such deals. 
  • Joint authorship e-books, newsletters, e-zines, columns, articles, guides, directories, brochures, etc. will cause them to be read by the target market of both, and if nothing else it will at least increase your brand awareness. 
  • Promoting your product offerings through a link on your joint venture marketing partner’s website, just like in affiliate marketing, will generate more online traffic for your website. 

What Can You Gain From Joint Venture Marketing: 
  • Substantial decrease in marketing campaigns budgets, as you can reach a higher number of people without shooting up your costs through the roof. 
  • In this internet marketing tool, you have the exclusive option of cost-sharing with your joint venture marketing partners. 
  • You get a whole slew of new ideas and resources by co-operating with business partners, who work towards increasing your customer base and sales generation. 
  • You can capitalize on untapped business resources of your joint venture marketing partner and put them to the use for the profitability of both. 
  • Through joint venture marketing you can build a strong business network, which will come in handy in various business operations by the means of their latent assets. 

One thing to be kept in mind before embarking on joint venture marketing is that your partner’s business should be complementary and relevant to yours, for you to reap the profits of the partnership.


  1. You gave such a nice info about joint venture and this has really less risk and there are you can make more profit.

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