Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pay per Click Advertising

Pay per Click advertising (PPC) is a mode of internet marketing, whereby you have to pay the hosting service every time a visitor clicks your ad. Cost per Click (CPC) is the cost borne by companies for redirecting visitors to their own corporate website. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Online Classified Advertising

With the ever rising costs of marketing your products, marketers were unable to meet the budgets and demanded an increase fairly often, this lead to decrease in the company’s profitability. To overcome the sky-rocketing cots of advertising, marketers have devised many relatively lower-cost marketing alternatives, one of them being classified ads. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Google AdSense Advertising

Google AdSense is a powerful internet marketing tool in the sense that it lets you integrate online advertising in websites. These adverts work through the Pay per Click and Pay per Impression methods. Google maintains, manages, and sorts these advertisements. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is a highly effective internet marketing tool; whereby you embed you advert in to a web page which are visited by a gargantuan number of internet surfers. It is a sure shot way of creating and increasing you brand awareness, and piquing the interest of target customers. 

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