Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Combat Hacking & Spamming on Social Networks

As the popularity of social networks grow tremendously so do their security issues. Cyber crimes are becoming more rampant on social networking websites because of carelessness and lack of information on the users part, and strong preventive steps on these websites part. In order to safeguard yourself against the threats of using social networks at the hands of people trying to risk your privacy for their own purposes, you need to be aware of all the possible ways they can exploit you.

The lack of hindsight of even the biggest social networks allows cyber criminals to creep in through the cracks of the weak privacy and security systems and wreak havoc on the users. 

Hackers break into the accounts of unsuspecting Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking websites’ users because of the vulnerable security protocols of these networks. The managing teams behind social networks have failed to see the possible repercussion of getting an account hacked. People put up sensitive information about themselves on these websites which can be used to bring them harm in monetary or other ways. 

How Do Social Network Accounts Get Hacked: 
  • Hacking through user’s e-mail addresses is most common way of identity thefts. All you need to know is the login e-mail for an account and then you are on your way to cracking a password through various software available. 
  • Phishing is also used to get the credentials of social network’s members. There are so many websites out there which look like Facebook, Twitter and other social networks but lead to malicious websites which steal information and use it later. 
  • Social engineering has also been seen at work on Facebook to hack accounts. Here, a hacker would send you spoof e-mails apparently from Facebook or obtain your password in a chat. 

How to Protect Your Account from Getting Hacked: 
  • The users of all social networks can define their own privacy settings. Make sure you keep them strict, especially keep your primary e-mail address hidden to yourself. 
  • They also provide you the option of secure browsing, with “https” so that your page will only load when you have a secure connection. 
  • You can also opt for getting notified when a new computer or mobile device logs into your social network account.

Social networks are the favorite hangout of cyber criminals, scammers and spammers. Spamming is extremely annoying for the users, all the more so when you are constantly bombarded by unwanted advertisements and messages. 

Avoid getting the headache of spam messages by: 
  • Never give your e-mail address and phone numbers for everyone to see, for they will be picked up and you will be drowned under hundreds of messages every day. 
  • Do not use applications and especially no games with your primary e-mail accounts. 
  • Un-friend people who forward spam messages, also leave groups and communities which promote spam advertisements. 
  • Do not follow and click on any clicks unless you are certain of their authenticity. 
  • Report spam links and spam messages so as to get them removed by the website’s management team, and promote them to take strict action against spammers. 
  • Do not unnecessarily join groups, communities, especially if you are not going to participate in them. 
  • Take notice of what information you share about yourself with various applications. 
  • Do not unwittingly share and promote every other outside link. 

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and the like were designed for the purpose of bringing people close together and have meaningful conversation and information exchange. They should be more carefully guarded against criminals, hackers, and spammers. Social networks need to redesign their privacy and security structures so as to protect their users, while the members need to be more prudent. Have a safe online life!

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