Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Internet Marketing

Conventional marketing failed to reach a huge number of potential customers online. To cater to people looking to buy online Internet Marketing was born. Also known as ‘digital marketing’ or ‘web marketing’, this discipline of marketing was developed to deal with the vast opportunities of promotion offered by the internet.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marketing – The Backbone of a Business

Ultimately, marketing is what makes or breaks your business because that is how you attract customers to buy your products. Notwithstanding how good your planning and business strategy has been without a good marketing campaign, you are bound to fail because you won’t be able to lure customers, meaning no revenue generation and consequentially huge losses.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Choose Your Business' Suppliers

For any business, regardless of what industry it is operating in, finding the right suppliers is integral to the success. The reason being that they are the ones who can make or break your business. Choosing a wrong supplier will have dire consequences on your overall business performance eventually as people will begin to shift to your competitors due to the substandard quality of your products. This could lead to even a worse scenario in which your whole target market will generate bad word of mouth about you, leading to a bad brand perception and reputation in the market.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Best Way to Contact Customers

How you want to contact your customer depends largely on who your target market is, what type of products you are selling, and what kind of relationship you want to maintain with your customers and sales leads. Here, you might want to take into consideration how your customers want to get in touch and also figure out the right way to which they are most likely to respond.

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